
Past Paths

Past Paths is a mobile app that connects Vancouver hikers with their surroundings, with a focus on immersive narrative storytelling along the trail.

My role

UI/UX Designer

Tools used




Oct-Nov, 2023

(4 weeks)


Qianhui Qin, Chelsea Zhang,

Mandy Lo, Xin Ye, Ty Radman

Challenge at hand

How can we help hikers learn about the historical stories of the trails without interrupting their hiking experience ?


Who are we designing for? What do they desire?

Let’s start with the client’s story...

Our client, as well as our primary user, a middle-aged man from North Vancouver, is curious about the historical stories of the land while hiking. He often checks Wikipedia to find answers to questions like "Who was the first person to reach the peak?" or "What happened at this lighthouse?" He wants a product that helps people his age learn this information and build a deeper connection with the trail.

Client’s Opinions Also Matter

📍 Navigation

🐚 Historical stories

🌟 Simple & aesthetic UI


Learn more about our users

  • About 400,000 household (20%) in BC are hiking enthusiasts

  • 49% no children

  • 33.4% indicate interests in cultural history buffs

  • Enjoy travelling alone


Immerse in nature is a MUST

While hiking, individuals seek to immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of nature.

Navigation helps

People need navigation tools to guide them through unfamiliar trails.

cultural history buffs

Many hikers have a natural curiosity about the history and stories associated with the places they visit so they start searching for information on phones.

Annoyed by screens

Hikers frequently have to shift their focus from the natural surroundings to their mobile screens from time to time

Defining Persona




Hiking Enthusiasts



"Vancouver is rich with stories. I want to know who was the first person to conquer the peak, how people used to live here, why they were here, and who they were...These questions just pop up in my mind during hikes."


Connect with the history and communities during hiking.

Pain Points

Difficulty getting historical information about hiking locations.

Disruption to hiking experience from online searches.

User Story

As a middle-aged hiker, I want to be introduced to the land’s historical significance without too much screen time, so that I can know more about this land under my feet and enjoy its tranquility as well.

Competitor Analysis

Product Type




Google Maps & AllTrials 

Accurate live location detection, detailed multi-level zoom-ins, multiple filters to pick a hiking trails such as elevation, estimated duration, etc.

No stories

BC Assembly of First-Nation

Credible sourced stories presented on interactive maps

Rely on long text

ArcGIS StoryMpas

Animations on map 

Mainly for presenting trends and infographics

Navigation Assistance

History website

Map Illustration

Audio Story Narration

Story City and Autio

Stories to be triggered automatically based on location

stories are about much larger places and communities rather than a landmarks

No one-stop solution in the market


Is a location-triggered audio guide what we are looking for?

From market research, audio storytelling can help reduce screen time, and location-triggering can provide users with precise stories related to the places they pass by with minimal disturbance.

Value Proposition

FOR ... enthusiastic hikers

WHO ... wants to connect with the history and communities of the places

THE ... Pastpaths

IS A ... easy-to-use mobile hiking guide

THAT ... narrates history and communities stories along the way

UNLIKE ... Alltrails, Qutio and British Columbia Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN)

OURS ...

Provides an all-in-one hiking app with an audio guide that delivers narrative stories

Prioritization (Bullseye)

We invited the client to join in a bullseye exercise to categorize all proposed features into critical, important and less important. so that we can prioritize the features


Offline map for navigation

Audio tour guide

Map illustration

History stories with location triggers


3D map

Setting up hiking goal

Social gallery

Effective notification but not disturbing

Less important

Visual presentation of the stories



In-app character as tour guide

User Flow



User Testing Insights


Font and button size

Font was hard to read because too small.


“Do Not Disturb” mode

Provide “mute” option in navigating page to allow users easily mute the story audio anytime.


New feature needed

Add comment feature in history gallery for photos/trails

Design Concept

Visual Identity


Outfit Medium

Outfit SemiBold

Outfit Regular

# 13391D

# 737240

# 737240


Map Illustration

POI Illustration


Final Design

Select your trail

Get trails information and select your trail before hiking.


Explore the trail

Trail details

One-Stop Solution

One-stop solution to start your journey, you are able to download the map and direct from home to trail without switching different apps back and forth.

Location Trigger Story!

Artistic Map transforms iconic places into lovely art.

Audio guide will be automatically triggered when you reach a point of interest (POI), sharing the historical story of the location.

See the photo from the present to the past

Take photo of the historical landmark. Here when you click the history gallery, you can see the photo of lighthouse from the present to the past.